Sunday, April 25, 2010


Someone hugged me today and told me I had a "strong back."
"Thank you, sir."

This gentlemen has lived in Sleepy Hollow since 1967. Built his home with his hands and a single concrete  mixer.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I was late because of traffic.

This is a movie.
Saw the last 30 minutes of this the other night at the Beverly Hills Film Festival. Adam Sherman's life seems wildly interesting, even though the guy poured champagne on my boobs, he seems lovely.  I am excited to see the rest of the film, you should be too.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sleepy Hollow

Doing a documentary piece on Sleepy Hollow and the people/culture of Carbon Canyon. (Where I live.) These are some of my biker friends I ran into at the "Canyon Market". They were lovely gentlemen.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

In a real studio.

Shot in the school's studio today. Portrait of an artist, Cat


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Back to Basics.

I have been using a view camera here lately, getting back to the roots of image capturing. This was a fun first draft of a project. (thank you to my model, Jamie)